What stores have gay pride clothing

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In 1982, the two decide to begin focusing on the private label clothing, and by the early 90s, the GAP stores stopped carrying Levi’s. They came up with two mottos back in the early days, too, with ‘Levi’s for Guys and Gals’ and ‘fall into the Gap’. The GAP came into existence back when Doris and Donald Fisher became incredibly annoyed by the lack of fashionable clothes and good customer services in stores, and so they took it upon themselves to come up with their very own brands of clothing. The company has no official stance on this. This has nothing to do with homosexuality, and it is not in GAP’s interest to promote homosexual pride. GAP is a clothing brand that takes its name from the original concept of the ‘generation gap’, which means that there are clothes available for both adults and children. Urban legend has outlined that GAP actually means gay and proud, when in actual fact, it is a rebranding of the original ‘The Gap’ store. The GAP store was originally known as ‘The Gap’, and was started back in 1969 by Donald Fisher and Doris Fisher.

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Whilst GAP can mean the usual phrase, ‘gay and proud’, the store is not founded on this philosophy. Presuming you’re talking about the GAP store, then no, this is not true.

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